Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria

Stimuplant produces plant growth-promoting bacterial inoculants (PGPB). This may contribute to plant health.

Profits are increased due to the increase in yield, and lowered input costs since plant disease control costs can be reduced.

Treating crops with PGPB inoculants increase germinating power of seeds, improve the absorption of nutrient elements due to better development of the root system, and their resistance to pathogens, all of which stimulates the plants’ productivity substantially.

All these PGPB’s are natural inhabitants of soil and plant surfaces. Vegetable, grain and industrial crops as well as ornamentals benefit from treatment with PGPB. All inoculants are suitable for organic production.

Two products are currently available, B-RUS and EXTRASOL.


B-RUS and EXTRASOL are the powder and liquid formulations of the same two PGPB Bacillus subtilis isolates respectively. These two isolates work synergistically and produce two plant promoting substances and three biocontrol agencies.

Both can be applied directly onto seeds before planting and/or as foliar sprays after emergence at a plant height of 10 to 15 cm. For best results seed treatment and at least one foliar application is recommended. These two products act in the same way. After germination, the bacteria colonize the developing root system.

In the first instance, root and root hair development is stimulated. This results in better nutrient and water absorption.

In the second instance, the bacteria invade the roots and become systemic. This stimulates the plant’s natural immune response to pathogens and makes the plants more tolerant to drought stress.

In the third instance, the better root development makes the plant more resistant to lodging due to high winds.

Since Bacillus Subtilis form endospores which are heat resistant and tolerant to desiccation and several chemicals, B-RUS can be applied to seeds up to one week before planting.

Application of Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria

B-RUS is available in wettable a powder form, 200 gram packets, that is suspendable in water and can be applied either as a powder or a liquid. Extrasol comes in a litre bottle.

A seed treatment is essential for the best results. It can also be applied as water suspension in the planter furrow on the seeds, or dip treatment of seedlings. Foliar sprays with B-RUS or Extrasol are also recommended.

For best results use two follow-up foliar applications.

If a fungicide treatment is necessary, Thiram and Thiram derivatives may be used. Growth-enhancing inoculants are cost-effective products that not only enhance the plant’s immune system, but may also increase yield at lower input costs.

Growth-enhancing inoculants are cost-effective products that not only enhance the plant’s immune system, but also may increase yield at lower input costs.